Sunday, October 19, 2008

Is it Art if it sells?

You and your art will always be judged!

The reality is our art, God willing, will out survive us. If we're even more lucky it will out live our offspring.

With that said, our art and ourselves will be judged on the work, not the sale of the work.
Many artists will waste too much of life worrying about acceptance with concerns of selling out or not
We all need to make a living and pay our bills. And the history books are filled with tons of people that are highly respected for their works and left a constant trail of financial troubles and bancruptcies.

If you can sell your art, do it. Sell them what they want. But save some energy in your day to make art that you know to be a master piece. In the end our days are numbered... protect your craft for when you are gone. Leave the message the mere mortal have yet figure out.

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