Wednesday, October 29, 2008

inspiration or not...

I try to do pieces in any mood I'm in. Time permits that when we run out of time we can no longer work, ie... we are dead. So, if you have time to work and the impulse to do so, work! don't think about it beyond that unless you have to. If it takes pasting porn next to your easel or drawing board to get you going... do it.

Basically I say do whatever it takes to get you moving paint, ink or whatever medium you feel desirable. Even just choosing a medium can inspire me. A new sheet of paper... A new dimension of a page... oooo a really tall or really wide piece, etc... I try new stuff for the sake of trying it. Since I also work digitally, a new software package... especially a cheap or free one.

Sometimes I look at photos for hours then draw.... no purpose... just inspiration or feeding the mind with colors, shapes, compositions, etc...

But I don't wait for "inspiration" I collect piles and boxes of that in my head. More inspiration than time in a day. If you're not inspired by your world, your not looking close enough, or are looking to close... and then look again in the middle... squint more, close one eye, wear colored sunglasses, a box with a hole it. :-) you get the idea... I hope.

One more BIG thing... avoid negative people... they will suck any inspiration you may have. They will also squash ideas... I call them "dream crushers". Critics are one thing. But DCs are like a virus to the mind and soul. avoid them. This goes for family too! They can be the worse ones... with good intentions... but they can be viruses to your creativity!

play, have fun, work...

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